All of us maybe are very familiar with google or yahoo as top two search engine on the net. Provide words, street, city, web etcetera in their textbox and click search! And ta-da! You will be served with results in tens, hundreds, thousands and maybe millions items. Suit your needs to pick one, to satisfy your curiosity.
While two above (and hundreds other that I did not call it in above paragraph) are search engine in common that will look for everything, - the best people search on the Web, is concentrating its algo on finding persons/people all across the Web and organizes it in an easy to search format.
Take a look this example, I search for "Suharto" (He's Indonesia's former president that recently passed away), by putting his name in the textbox and clicking "search" button. And in second, spock will bring me the 'most matches' people saved in their database with Suharto as its name.
Unfortunately, the first result given from Suharto search, is Tommy Suharto that I believe is one of Suharto's son and obviously the notorious one. Care to see what are his tag? It's prison, East Jakarta, Nusakambangan, Hutomo Mandala Putra, Syafiudin Kartasasmita and Cipinang Penitentiary Institution. Just for you know, Nusakambangan is a prison in an island southern direction from Cilacap, a 'comfy' place for Tomy Suharto for a few years, until then he was released, Cipinang is also a prison.
Err, did I mention tag? Yes, these tags can be created by the user themselves, or by other Spock members. More likely tag is quite good idea to refine identification on people we've searched OR a more personal piece of information.
While my searching for Kimi Raikkonen, a F1 driver, winner of F1-2007 is successfully bring me the 'right' Kimi Raikkonen, with also his valid tags such as: formula one, Ferrari, Mercedes-benz, Formula One, driver, Mercedes, and mclaren.
That's Spock, search engine for people, that I thing the first search engine concentrating to search people, It's quite new, in fact it is still in beta. But you might be interested to be a part of their beta period by joining as a member. There are many advantages as a member, and it's free.